Nandamuri Balakrishna is fully immersed in filming NBK109, directed by Bobby, with a projected release in late 2024 or early 2025. In an exciting update, Balakrishna will soon return to his beloved talk show, Unstoppable, one of the most successful Telugu shows, available on Aha. The third season’s pre-production is underway, with shooting set to begin in mid-September. The first episode of Unstoppable Season 3 is scheduled to stream during the Dasara holiday weekend and will continue through December.
Balakrishna will also wrap up Bobby’s film and begin shooting for Boyapati Srinu’s Akhanda sequel post-Dasara. 14 Reels Plus will produce the film, and the schedules are meticulously planned. Additionally, rumors suggest Balakrishna will take on a powerful role in his son Mokshagna’s debut film, directed by Prasanth Varma. The film’s grand launch is set for September 6th, followed by the regular shoot