Renowned Telugu director K Raghavendra Rao has produced a film titled “Sarkaru Noukari” under the banner RK Telefilm. Directed by Sekhar Gangamouni, the movie marks the cinematic debut of Singer Sunitha’s son, Akash Goparaju. The female lead is portrayed by theatre artist Bhavana Vazhapandal.
Akash recently engaged with the media to express his thoughts on the film. He mentioned, “Sarkaaru Noukari encapsulates emotions, entertainment, and a meaningful message. The director drew inspiration from real events while crafting the storyline. For my debut film, I didn’t want to limit myself to a specific genre; I simply aimed for a strong launch with a compelling story.”
The film also features Tanikella Bharani, Surya, Sai Srinivas Vadlamani, Manichandan, Raseshwari Mallapudi, Ramya Pnduri Trinadh, and others in pivotal roles. “Sarkaru Noukari” is set to grace the big screens on January 1, 2024.