Shankar’s Anniyan, a 2005 psychological thriller starring Vikram and Sadha, created waves upon its initial release, emerging as one of India’s most expensive films at the time. Its impact extended beyond its original version, with the Telugu-dubbed adaptation, Aparichithudu, garnering significant success.
The film not only enjoyed commercial prosperity but also cultivated a devoted fanbase for Vikram in the Telugu-speaking regions. Even on television, Aparichithudu consistently secured impressive ratings over the years. Now, amidst a lack of major releases and a hiatus in theater attendance due to events like the IPL and elections, this action-packed drama is poised for a triumphant return to Telugu screens on May 17, 2024.
The timing couldn’t be better for distributors, who anticipate a windfall with eager audiences hungry for entertainment. As anticipation builds for this Harris Jayaraj musical’s box office performance, it remains to be seen how it will captivate audiences once again. Furthermore, with plans underway for a Hindi adaptation featuring Ranveer Singh in the lead, Shankar’s vision is set to reach an even broader audience.