“Gaami,” starring Vishwaksen and Chandini Chowdhary, took cinemas by storm on March 8, 2024, winning hearts of audiences and critics alike. Vidyadhar Kagita marked his directorial debut with this captivating film.
Exciting news is on the horizon as recent rumors hint at “Aami” making its way to the OTT platform ZEE5 from April 12, 2024. Await the official confirmation coming soon!
The film boasts a stellar ensemble cast, featuring Abhinaya, Mohammad Samad, Harika Pedada, Shanti Rao, Mayank Parak, and more. With the backing of Karthik Sabareesh and support from crowd-funders, Naresh Kumaran’s mesmerizing score elevated the cinematic experience. Stay tuned for further OTT updates.