Pawan Kalyan, widely known as Power Star and a beloved figure in the Telugu community for both his film career and political endeavors, has recently taken a step back from acting to dedicate his focus to politics, especially in light of the upcoming Andhra Pradesh General Elections.
In a recent rapid-fire interview with a national news outlet, Pawan Kalyan shared a surprising personal detail: he enjoys watching horror movies at night because they have a soothing effect on him. When pressed for more details, he explained, “Instead of facing devils outside, I prefer to face devils on screen.” This intriguing statement piqued the curiosity of many fans and followers.
On the professional front, Pawan Kalyan has a busy schedule ahead, with several projects lined up. His upcoming films include “They Call Him OG” (also known simply as OG), “Ustaad Bhagat Singh,” and “Hari Hara Veera Mallu.” Out of these, only OG has a confirmed release date—September 27, 2024. Stay tuned for further news and developments regarding his future ventures.