Following the massive success of “RX 100,” the film “Mangalavaaram” brought considerable fame to actress Payal Rajput. Recently, Payal made headlines by speaking out about the harassment she faced from the producers of her upcoming film, “Rakshana.”
Payal revealed on Instagram that “Rakshana,” originally titled “5Ws” and filmed in 2019 and 2020, experienced significant release delays. She claimed the producers, aiming to leverage her success from “Mangalavaaram,” demanded her promotional involvement without settling her outstanding payments.
Despite her team’s efforts to arrange digital promotions in exchange for clearing her dues and offering compensation, the producers allegedly refused to compromise, misused her name, and damaged her reputation. They even threatened to ban her from Telugu cinema.
Payal’s team also reported inappropriate conduct during recent meetings. A distributor allegedly demanded that Payal showcase certain assets to secure the film’s acceptance. With payment issues unresolved and plans to release the movie without her consent, Payal is now considering legal action. Many people have expressed their support for the actress, and we await further developments on this issue
An important message to my fans and the film fraternity. #needjustice
— paayal rajput (@starlingpayal) May 19, 2024