Renowned Tollywood actor Balakrishna recently graced the commemorative ceremony marking a decade since the release of his blockbuster hit “Legend,” directed by Boyapati Srinu. While the event saw the reunion of the cast and crew, one notable absence was Radhika Apte, one of the lead heroines from the film.
“Legend,” which hit the screens on March 28, 2014, emerged as a monumental success, establishing milestones for both Boyapati Srinu and Balakrishna in the industry. Speaking at the event, Balakrishna’s remarks hinted at a detachment from contemporary cinema realities.
Expressing his view, Balakrishna emphasized a shift in focus from the longevity of a film’s theatrical run to its immediate box office collections, critiquing the current trend in the industry. He reminisced about timeless classics like “Paathala Bhairavi,” “Mayabazaar,” and “Devadas,” highlighting their unprecedented runs in theaters. Drawing parallels, Balakrishna lauded “Legend” for its remarkable theatrical journey, while also mentioning other successful ventures like “Simhaa” and “Akhanda.”
Despite acknowledging the creative merits of recent blockbusters, Balakrishna maintained that they cannot rival the legacy of vintage classics. Speculations are rife among fans about a potential reunion between Balakrishna and Boyapati for their fourth collaboration. Although rumors suggest a sequel to “Akhanda,” no official confirmation has been made yet.