Sharwanand’s upcoming film “Manamey” is set to hit theatres this Friday, generating positive buzz. The pre-release event is scheduled for today in Hyderabad. Directed by Sriram Adittya, the film stars Krithi Shetty as the female lead. The trailer highlights the lead characters’ struggles with parental duties.
This family entertainer has completed its censor formalities, receiving a U/A certificate from the CBFC, with an approved runtime of 2 hours and 35 minutes, which is considered reasonable. The contrasting characters of the hero and heroine are said to be a key highlight of “Manamey.”
The film also features Vikram Aditya, Seerat Kapoor, Ayesha Khan, Vennela Kishore, Rahul Ramakrishna, Rahul Ravindran, and Shiva in significant roles. Produced by TG Vishwa Prasad’s People Media Factory, the soundtrack is composed by Hesham Abdul Wahab and includes about 16 songs, promising a wholesome entertainment experience.