Young Tiger NTR is back on the sets of his highly anticipated film “Devara.” Directed by Koratala Siva, this pan-Indian action drama has recently commenced its latest shooting schedule in Goa. The team is capturing crucial scenes in some of the remote villages of Goa, with NTR and the main cast actively participating. This schedule is expected to wrap up by next weekend.
Janhvi Kapoor plays the leading lady in “Devara,” which will be released in two parts. The film is produced by NTR Arts and Yuva Sudha Arts. Anirudh’s music and background score are highly anticipated, especially after the positive reception of the first single. Promotional activities for the film will begin at a later date. “Devara” is set for an October 10th release in all Indian languages.
In addition to “Devara,” NTR is also filming “War 2” alongside Hrithik Roshan, directed by Ayan Mukerji and produced by Yashraj Films, slated for an August 2025 release. NTR’s project with director Prashanth Neel is scheduled to begin later this year.