Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna have long been top heroes in Tollywood, often clashing at the box office during the Sankranthi season. Their star power and box office appeal remain strong, with recent years seeing intense competition between their films.
Chiranjeevi’s comeback film, Khaidi No 150, clashed with Balakrishna’s 100th film, Gautamiputra Satakarni, during Sankranthi, both achieving significant success. More recently, their films Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy faced off, with Waltair Veerayya grossing over 200 crores worldwide and emerging as the bigger hit, while Veera Simha Reddy grossed around 130 crores.
Next year, Chiranjeevi’s Vishwambhara is slated for a Sankranthi release. Meanwhile, Balakrishna’s #NBK109, directed by Bobby, was initially planned for Christmas but is now likely to shift to the Sankranthi slot, potentially due to Game Changer starring Ram Charan targeting the Christmas release.
If this happens, Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna will once again clash at the box office, promising another exciting showdown for their fans and the Tollywood industry