Hyderabad: ‘Fish Prasadam’ Distribution by Bathini Family on June 8 at Exhibition Grounds

By Rishi May 20, 2024 #fish prasadam

The Bathini family will distribute ‘fish prasadam’ at the Exhibition Grounds in Nampally starting at 10 am on June 8. Bathini Shivanand Goud announced the event on Sunday, noting that the distribution, a tradition for the past 175 years, will continue this year.

The Bathini family offers fish prasadam annually to individuals suffering from asthma and other respiratory illnesses. This year’s distribution coincides with the auspicious Mrigasira Karte on June 8. Following a special puja at the Bathini family’s ancestral house in Doodbowli, the distribution will begin at the Exhibition Grounds at 10 am and continue uninterrupted until 10 am on June 9.

“Last year, two lakh people received fish prasadam. This year, we expect a 10% increase,” said Shivanand Goud. “We have requested the fisheries department to supply adequate murrel fingerlings for the event and have sought permission from the Exhibition Society,” he added.

By Rishi

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