Renowned director James Cameron took the world by storm with “Avatar,” which remains the highest-grossing film globally. The sequel, “Avatar: The Way of Water,” has also made waves, ranking as the third highest-grossing film with approximately $2.3 billion. While “Avatar 2” didn’t receive unanimous praise like its predecessor, it enjoyed an impressive extended run, leaving industry experts in awe.
During the D23 expo, Cameron, accompanied by lead actors Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana, officially announced the third installment’s title: “Avatar: Fire and Ash.” Although no footage from “Avatar 3” was shown, Cameron presented concept art and described the film as an “insane adventure” that promises to be a visual feast.
Cameron emphasized that “Avatar 3” will feature even greater emotional stakes than its predecessors. According to Hollywood reports, “Avatar: The Way of Water” and “Avatar: Fire and Ash” were originally intended to be a single film. However, due to the abundance of material, Cameron decided to split them into two separate movies. “Avatar: Fire and Ash” is set to hit theaters on December 19, 2025.