After returning to Hyderabad from his meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Janasena Chief Pawan Kalyan made a heartwarming visit to his brother Chiranjeevi’s residence. Accompanied by his son Akira Nandan and his wife Anna Lezhnev, Pawan Kalyan received a grand, king-size welcome from the entire mega family.
As he arrived, his nephew Ram Charan greeted him at the entrance, showering him with flower petals. Chiranjeevi’s wife, Surekha, warmly welcomed Pawan Kalyan inside, where he was met with smiles and embraces from Niharika, Sreeja, and Varun Tej. The touching moment reached its peak when Pawan Kalyan sought blessings from his elder brother Chiranjeevi by touching his feet, followed by a heartfelt hug between the two siblings.
The video capturing these emotional moments has left mega fans overjoyed, with many expressing how moved they are by the visible bond and affection within the family. The gathering also included Sai Dharam Tej, Anjanamma Garu, Lavanya Tripathi, Naga Babu, and other family members, making it a truly memorable and emotional reunion.