Tamil actor Siddharth is set to appear in Shankar’s vigilante thriller “Indian-2,” a sequel to the 1996 hit “Indian,” starring ‘Ulaganayagan’ Kamal Hassan. With music composed by Anirudh Ravichander, the film is slated for a worldwide release in July this year.
In addition to “Indian-2,” Siddharth has signed on to play the lead role in a Tamil-language romantic drama titled “Miss You,” directed by N. Rajasekar. The first look of the film was unveiled by Sivakarthikeyan and filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj, generating significant buzz among fans as Siddharth returns to the romantic drama genre after a hiatus.
Produced by 7 Miles Per Second Productions, “Miss You” features a background score and songs by Ghibran. Fans eagerly await Siddharth’s performance in both these highly anticipated films.