Ram Navami Fair in Ayodhya

On the ninth day of the Navratri festival, thousands of devotees visit the Ram Navami Mela to celebrate the birth of Lord Ram.

Temples all over the city are widely decorated for the mela. One of the special features of this fair is the Ram-leela act. 

It usually depicts the life and times of Lord Ram.

This festival falls under the Hindu month of Chaitra and is considered one among the five most sacred festivals according to the Hindu religion.

Ram Navami Fair in Ayodhya is seen in the month of April.

The fair will be organised at the Ram Temple premises. 

All the  arrangement of accommodation, medical facilities, and other necessities for the devotees expected to visit Ayodhya during the Ram Navami Fair.

It is expected that fifty lakh devotees will visit Ayodhya during the festival of Ram Navami Fair.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra, and the Director General of Police, Prashant Kumar held a meeting to look into the matter precisely.

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