Balakrishna and director Boyapati Srinu need no special introduction, having delivered a trio of blockbusters with “Simha,” “Legend,” and “Akhanda.” Their collaboration has consistently showcased Balakrishna’s prowess like no other director has. Now, the duo is set to team up for the fourth time in the sequel to “Akhanda.”
The official announcement came on Balakrishna’s birthday, with the project being backed by 14 Reels Entertainment. Notably, Balakrishna’s daughter, Tejaswini, will be presenting the film—an aspect highlighted on the official poster.
Following its 2021 release, “Akhanda” performed exceptionally well both domestically and overseas, earning praise even upon its OTT premiere. Balakrishna is riding high on the success of his recent hits like “Akhanda,” “Veera Simha Reddy,” and “Bhagavanth Kesari.”
His next venture, “NBK 109,” helmed by Bobby, awaits his return to the sets after a brief hiatus due to the AP elections, where he secured victory as a Hindupur MLA for the third consecutive time. With the TDP’s landslide victory, Balakrishna is poised to resume filming for “NBK 109” before embarking on the journey of the “Akhanda” sequel.